Extjs – Changing style of items in dropdownlist

I’ve recently been asked to create ComboBox with custom styled drop-down list. Colors of items of drop-dow list should be picked based on values of record bounded to given item. After reading some post on Extjs forum, I decided to overwrite default template of drop-down list.

As You can see I decided to use XTemplate, which (to the contrary to Template) allows to call user defined function. Function getClass from XTemplate will be called for each element in ComboBox’s store. The result of this function will be inserted into class attribute of div element, which is resposible for displaying single item in drop-down list. Please notice, that in order to maintain ability to select items from drop-down list, it is necessary to specify x-boundlist-item class in template.
Here is example of usage

and the result
Source code for this post can be found here

Extjs – Changing style of items in dropdownlist