C# – testing internal classes

I am currently involved in writing library which will be used by couple of external teams. In that library we have a quite a lot classes which are only used internally and won’t be a part of public API. The natural way of keeping that code inaccessible for other assemblies is to use internal access modifier. However this makes the code also inaccessible directly for testing. Of course you can still test your internal code through public API but usually this is inconvenient and forces you to write a lot of additional code in test. This is particularly painful for me, because our build process requires 100% test coverage. Fortunately there is an easy way to make internal classes visible for certain assemblies without making them public. All you have to do is to use InternalsVisibleToAttribute and specify assembly name which is allowed to use code with internal access modifier. This attribute is most commonly added to AssemblyInfo.cs file. For example, assuming that my library is in TestingInternalClasses.Lib assembly and my tests are in TestingInternalClasses.Tests I should add

to AssemblyInfo.cs located in TestingInternalClasses.Lib project. However you can also use this attribute in a class definition file – just like that

From now on I can easily test internal classes from TestingInternalClasses.Lib project in TestingInternalClasses.Tests. Source code for this post can be found here

C# – testing internal classes

WCF – exposing metadata over TCP

I think that everyone who has ever been working with WCF knows that we can enable metadata exchange by adding ServiceMetadataBehavior to App.config file

Up until yesterday the build in solution works fine for me. However recently I’ve had to expose metadata over TCP protocol. ServiceMetadataBehavior doesn’t have something like TcpGetEnabled property so in order to expose metadata over other protocols (in my case TCP) it is necessary to add custom MEX endpoint.

The endpoint configuration has to have a specific binding – in my case mexTcpBinding (there are of course MEX bindings available for other protocols). What is more, the contract has to be set to IMetadataExchange. The address value is up to us, we can use full blown address as well as leverage base address. At this point if we run service we will get the exception
Even though we added custom endpoint for metadata exchange we still have to use ServiceMetadataBehavior. This time however we can skip httpGetEnabled property

From now on we can access metadata over TCP
metadata over TCP
Source code for this post can be found here

WCF – exposing metadata over TCP

Gulp – exluding type definitions files from TypeScript linting

I wanted to improve a code quality of my TypeScript project, so I decided to add linting to my gulp build process. My original build task looked pretty straightforward

and according to gulp-tslint manual adding linting requires including only two additional lines of code

This works fine until you start using type definitions (d.ts files) from external resources (which is the usual way of combining TypeScript with existing JavaScript libraries). Usually these files have different code styling rules than our own, which means that our build will fail.
There are couple of ways of solving this problem. The obvious one is to split the task into two separate tasks, one for linting and one for building, but in my opinion a much cleaner way is to use gulp-filter. Gulp-filter has an ability to filter the stream on the fly, but what is more interesting it can also restore it to previous unfiltered state. Using these two features we can filter the stream from d.ts files before linting process begins and then restore the stream and pass it to TypeScript compiler. We can do it with two additional lines of code. Improved build script is presented below

exluding type definitions
Source code for this post can be found here

Gulp – exluding type definitions files from TypeScript linting

C# – dynamic type can be useful

I am not a big fan of dynamic type in C#, however there are certain situations in which it can be handy. Let’s assume that we have following piece of code (which I encounter quite often at my work)

As you can see we have to convert DTO objects into “normal” objects using some kind of converter. This is not a problematic when you can use some auto-mappings libraries (Automapper,FastMapper) however I am not allowed to do that in a company I work for. So the question is how to write WeaponConverter.Convert method in some elegant way. The obvious way (but definitely not elegant) is just to use lots of “if” statements

But this is really ugly, much better idea (at least from my point of view) is to leverage dynamic keyword introduced in .NET 4. Thanks to it our Convert method can be reduced to this

Source code for this post can be found here

C# – dynamic type can be useful

Nested properties initialization – syntactic sugar

I think most of developers are familiar with the object syntax initializer, which basically allows you to set up values of properties just like that

In this example the Settings property is assigned with new instance of CustomWebClientSettings class. However for time to time we only want to change particular property of given nested property and leave rest of the object intact. Of course we can write it usual way

but there is a much cooler syntax for that. The code above can be rewritten to

Note that there is no new keyword in the assignment of Settings property, which means that the Settings object is updated with the values of properties in braces. Of course this syntax can be safely used only if the nested property(in this case Settings) is initialized up front in constructor, otherwise you will get NullReferenceException. Source code for this post can be found here

Nested properties initialization – syntactic sugar