Console2 – multiple tabs on startup

I’ve been using Console2 for quite some time and as for now it is my favorite command line terminal. The one thing I like the most is availability to use multiple tabs you can easily switch between. By default Console2 starts with only one tab opened, which was a bit of a pain for me. Mainly because I work a lot with Git and I also like to have a Visual Studio command prompt opened. So basically every time I launched command line I had to open one or two additional tabs. Fortunately it is quite easy to launch multiple tabs on startup. All you have to do is to create a shortcut to the Console2 with proper flags. Say for example I have following tabs defined

I can start Console2 with all these tabs opened on startup using following command.

Of course it is easier to define a shortcut to Console2 rather than remembering command above. My configuration looks like that

Console2 – multiple tabs on startup