1. Introduction
When working with NoSQL databases, your documents might be quite heavy and in some cases, you would like to get only a slice of original data. For instance, let’s assume we have an Account document which among other things contains a list of transactions
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public class Account : IAccountDefinition { public ObjectId Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public List<Transaction> Transactions { get; set; } } public class Transaction { public ObjectId Id { get; set; } public decimal Amount { get; set; } public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; } public DateTime ModifiedAt { get; set; } } |
As there might be hundreds of transaction in the account object, you might want to occasionally work on a subset of original data, say for instance AccountSlim object to improve the performance
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public class AccountSlim : IAccountDefinition { public ObjectId Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } |
2.Exploring existing options
MongoDB.Driver has a couple of ways of defining projections so as you can operate on a slimmer object instead of a default one. For instance
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List<AccountSlim> accountSlims = await accountsCollection.Find(defaultAccountFilterDefinition) .Project(Builders<Account>.Projection.As<AccountSlim>()) .ToListAsync(); |
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IAsyncCursor<AccountSlim> asyncCursor = await accountsCollection.FindAsync(defaultAccountFilterDefinition, new FindOptions<Account, AccountSlim>()); |
Unfortunately, those are a client-side projection. This means that the entire object is returned from the database and we just serialized it to a different class. You can check it on your own by examining request and result commands sent to Mongo
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var clientSettings = MongoClientSettings.FromUrl(new MongoUrl("mongodb://localhost:27017")); clientSettings.ClusterConfigurator += builder => { builder.Subscribe<CommandStartedEvent>(OnCommandStarted); builder.Subscribe<CommandSucceededEvent>(OnCommandSucceeded); }; var client = new MongoClient(clientSettings); private static void OnCommandSucceeded(CommandSucceededEvent @event) { if (@event.CommandName == FindCommandName) { Console.WriteLine("Returned document:"); PrintDocument(@event.Reply); } } private static void OnCommandStarted(CommandStartedEvent @event) { if (@event.CommandName == FindCommandName) { Console.WriteLine("Requested document:"); PrintDocument(@event.Command); } } |
In both cases requested query doesn’t contain “projection” section, so entire document is returned
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// query { "find" : "Accounts", "filter" : { "_id" : ObjectId("5dac6ab1ea342a254e1b7748") }, "$db" : "Accounting", "lsid" : { "id" : CSUUID("c6b40361-c47f-4fe6-99bd-6a9ec1702576") } } // returned document { "cursor" : { "firstBatch" : [{ "_id" : ObjectId("5dac6ab1ea342a254e1b7748"), "AccountName" : "WRKYDWKKJY", "Transactions" : [{ "_id" : ObjectId("5dac6ab1ea342a254e1b7749"), "Amount" : "413648280", "CreatedAt" : ISODate("2019-10-20T14:09:53.635Z"), "ModifiedAt" : ISODate("2019-10-20T14:09:53.635Z") }] }], "id" : NumberLong(0), "ns" : "Accounting.Accounts" }, "ok" : 1.0 } |
Of course, there is a possibility to manually create a server-side projection, for instance
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var accountSlims = await accountsCollection.Find(defaultAccountFilterDefinition) .Project(new ObjectProjectionDefinition<Account, AccountSlim>(new { id = 1, name = 1 })) .ToListAsync(); |
or with a strongly typed version
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var bsonDocument = Builders<Account>.Projection.Exclude(x => x.Transactions) .Render(accountsCollection.DocumentSerializer, accountsCollection.Settings.SerializerRegistry); List<AccountSlim> accountSlim = await accountsCollection.Find(defaultAccountFilterDefinition) .Project(new BsonDocumentProjectionDefinition<Account, AccountSlim>(bsonDocument)) .ToListAsync(); |
However, in my opinion, this is error-prone and it would be better to generate server-side projection automatically based on properties in a slim object. As I didn’t find anything like that in the official driver, here is my approach for handling this
3. Class-based server-side projection
In order to create a custom projection, all we have to do is to extend ProjectionDefinition<TSource, TResult> class and provide a RenderedProjectionDefinition with all properties which are in both “heavy” and “slim” object
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using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization; using MongoDB.Driver; namespace MongoDBServerSideProjection.Projections { public class ServerSideProjectionDefinition<TSource, TResult> : ProjectionDefinition<TSource, TResult> { private readonly ProjectionDefinition<TSource> _projectionDefinition; public ServerSideProjectionDefinition() { _projectionDefinition = BuildProjectionDefinition(); } public override RenderedProjectionDefinition<TResult> Render(IBsonSerializer<TSource> sourceSerializer, IBsonSerializerRegistry serializerRegistry) { var bsonDocument = _projectionDefinition.Render(sourceSerializer, serializerRegistry); return new RenderedProjectionDefinition<TResult>(bsonDocument, serializerRegistry.GetSerializer<TResult>()); } private static ProjectionDefinition<TSource> BuildProjectionDefinition() { var sourceProperties = ProjectionPropertyCache<TSource>.PropertyNames; var resultProperties = ProjectionPropertyCache<TResult>.PropertyNames; var projectionDefinitionBuilder = Builders<TSource>.Projection; var projectionDefinitions = resultProperties.Intersect(sourceProperties).Select( name => projectionDefinitionBuilder.Include(new StringFieldDefinition<TSource>(name))); return projectionDefinitionBuilder.Combine(projectionDefinitions); } private class ProjectionPropertyCache<T> { static ProjectionPropertyCache() { PropertyNames = GetProperties(); } public static IReadOnlyCollection<string> PropertyNames { get; } private static ReadOnlyCollection<string> GetProperties() { return typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) .Where(prop => !prop.IsSpecialName).Select(prop => prop.Name).ToList().AsReadOnly(); } } } } |
As you can see we use MongoDB.Driver build-in projections to render our custom projection consisting of necessary properties. Note, that as we are using StringFieldDefinition instead of defining Bson document manually, the projection will take into account potential class mappings or attribute mappings applied to your object
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BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<Account>(cm => { cm.AutoMap(); cm.MapProperty(account => account.Name).SetElementName("AccountName"); }); |
Having the projection ready we can make it a bit easier to use by introducing some extensions. The first one looks as follows
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using MongoDB.Driver; using MongoDBServerSideProjection.Projections; namespace MongoDBServerSideProjection.Extensions { public static class ProjectionDefinitionBuilderExtensions { public static ServerSideProjectionDefinition<TSource, TResult> ServerSide<TSource, TResult>(this ProjectionDefinitionBuilder<TSource> builder) { return new ServerSideProjectionDefinition<TSource, TResult>(); } } } |
which allows you to use this projection similarly like others – so by accessing Builders class
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var projection = Builders<Account>.Projection.ServerSide<Account, AccountSlim>(); List<AccountSlim> slims = await accountsCollection.Find(defaultAccountFilterDefinition) .Project(projection) .ToListAsync(); |
The second method will extend IFindFluent<TDocument, TProjection> interface
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using MongoDB.Driver; namespace MongoDBServerSideProjection.Extensions { public static class FindFluentExtensions { public static IFindFluent<TSource, TResult> ProjectTo<TSource, TResult>(this IFindFluent<TSource, TSource> findFluent) { var serverSideProjectionDefinition = Builders<TSource>.Projection.ServerSide<TSource, TResult>(); return findFluent.Project(serverSideProjectionDefinition); } } } |
and thanks to it we will end up with an even better syntax
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List<AccountSlim> list = await accountsCollection.Find(defaultAccountFilterDefinition) .ProjectTo<Account, AccountSlim>() .ToListAsync(); |
One way or another we will end up with proper projection definition which will result in a smaller document returned from the database
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// query { "find" : "Accounts", "filter" : { "_id" : ObjectId("5dac846eea29403cb83f99bb") }, "projection" : { "_id" : 1, "AccountName" : 1 }, "$db" : "Accounting", "lsid" : { "id" : CSUUID("cf5d5a88-2598-4110-9295-6417d1a5f7dd") } } // returned document { "cursor" : { "firstBatch" : [{ "_id" : ObjectId("5dac846eea29403cb83f99bb"), "AccountName" : "CBBRRWQVKJ" }], "id" : NumberLong(0), "ns" : "Accounting.Accounts" }, "ok" : 1.0 } |
Source code for this post can be found here