Performance improvements in NSubstitute.Analyzers 1.0.11

1. Introduction

I am glad to announce that the latest release of NSubstitute.Analyzers (apart from some bugfixes) brings a lot of performance and memory usage improvements for most of the analyzers. The benchmark results shown below should give you enough information about the speed and memory consumption of the newest version of the library. If you are interested in actual changes behind these results please take a look at this pull request.

2. Benchmark comparision of NSubstitute.Analyzers.CSharp

Analyzer Mean (us) Error (us) StdDev (us) Gen 0 Gen 1 Allocated (KB)
CallInfoAnalyzer 1,897.0 5.646 5.2814 136.7188 11.7188 424.54
ConflictingArgumentAssignmentsAnalyzer 554.2 1.018 0.9524 33.2031 1.9531 103.47
NonSubstitutableMemberAnalyzer 2,466.9 9.317 8.2596 179.6875 15.6250 560.33
NonSubstitutableMemberReceivedAnalyzer 644.4 2.280 1.9039 31.2500 6.8359 96.27
NonSubstitutableMemberWhenAnalyzer 995.9 2.320 1.9370 37.1094 7.8125 116.74
ReEntrantSetupAnalyzer 57,979.0 196.824 174.4794 2333.3333 7175.61
SubstituteAnalyzer 1,960.4 8.197 7.2666 89.8438 19.5313 343.67
UnusedReceivedAnalyzer 524.0 1.671 1.5630 29.2969 1.9531 92.45
Benchmark results of NSubstitute.Analyzers.CSharp 1.0.11
Analyzer Mean (us) Error (us) StdDev (us) Gen 0 Gen 1 Allocated (KB)
CallInfoAnalyzer 1,828.8 5.599 4.963 123.0469 11.7188 379.78
ConflictingArgumentAssignmentsAnalyzer 510.3 1.973 1.846 33.2031 1.9531 102.76
NonSubstitutableMemberAnalyzer 766.0 2.798 2.336 39.0625 8.7891 122.27
NonSubstitutableMemberReceivedAnalyzer 600.6 3.411 3.191 27.3438 5.8594 85.82
NonSubstitutableMemberWhenAnalyzer 866.0 3.144 2.941 34.1797 9.7656 107.87
ReEntrantSetupAnalyzer 7,442.0 34.067 31.866 281.2500 15.6250 870.18
SubstituteAnalyzer 1,870.2 29.787 27.863 87.8906 23.4375 346.09
UnusedReceivedAnalyzer 482.1 1.705 1.511 25.8789 1.9531 80.96

3. Benchmark comparision of NSubstitute.Analyzers.VisualBasic

Method Mean (ms) Error (ms) StdDev (ms) Gen 0 Gen 1 Allocated (KB)
CallInfoAnalyzer 3.459 0.0137 0.0121 156.2500 11.7188 484.15
ConflictingArgumentAssignmentsAnalyzer 1.279 0.0103 0.0086 21.4844 1.9531 69.15
NonSubstitutableMemberAnalyzer 1.975 0.0108 0.0090 35.1563 7.8125 108
NonSubstitutableMemberReceivedAnalyzer 1.287 0.0070 0.0065 13.6719 1.9531 47.46
NonSubstitutableMemberWhenAnalyzer 1.589 0.0103 0.0092 25.3906 5.8594 82.72
ReEntrantSetupAnalyzer 54.131 0.2320 0.1937 3600.0000 11139.45
SubstituteAnalyzer 3.615 0.0168 0.0149 105.4688 23.4375 393.13
UnusedReceivedAnalyzer 1.306 0.0258 0.0528 13.6719 1.9531 43.3
Benchmark results of NSubstitute.Analyzers.VisualBasic
Analyzer Mean (ms) Error (ms) StdDev (ms) Gen 0 Gen 1 Allocated (KB)
CallInfoAnalyzer 3.737 0.0878 0.1110 152.3438 11.7188 471.79
ConflictingArgumentAssignmentsAnalyzer 1.402 0.0266 0.0285 21.4844 1.9531 68.36
NonSubstitutableMemberAnalyzer 1.543 0.0264 0.0247 25.3906 5.8594 81
NonSubstitutableMemberReceivedAnalyzer 1.213 0.0051 0.0048 13.6719 1.9531 45.43
NonSubstitutableMemberWhenAnalyzer 1.475 0.0055 0.0051 27.3438 7.8125 85.25
ReEntrantSetupAnalyzer 7.044 0.0236 0.0209 265.6250 7.8125 837.14
SubstituteAnalyzer 3.333 0.0912 0.1186 101.5625 23.4375 377.16
UnusedReceivedAnalyzer 1.102 0.0067 0.0062 11.7188 40.24
Performance improvements in NSubstitute.Analyzers 1.0.11

NSubstitute – returning value from IEnumerable

I’ve been using NSubstitute combined with automocks for quite some time already, but recently I’ve encountered quite interesting situation. Let’s assume that we have the following class we need to write tests for

As mentioned before I wanted to test that class leveraging the concept of automocks. If you have never used them before, no worries, the idea is pretty simple. Instead of providing mock dependencies manually, you just generate them automatically. Once the dependencies are mocked you can retrieve and set them up if necessary. So in my case, I have to setup IEnumerable<IValidator<Price>> mock so that it yields some values. It can be achieved by mocking return values of GetEnumerator() method.

The entire test then can be written as

Everything looks good at that point, however if you run the tests, it will fail
That was quite surprising for me and I have to admit that at the beginning I thought it was a bug in NSubstitute.
However, if you looks closely at the implementation of the test, you will see that every time validator collection is enumerated, the same instance of the enumerator is used. As the enumerator keeps its state, the first enumeration (_innerValidators.Any()) will move a current element to the first position (which is the last position at the same time) so when I try to enumerate again (_innerValidators.All(validator => validator.IsValid(input)) enumeration will continue from the previous position and the iteration will end yielding no results. Fortunately, with NSubstitute you can configure the call so that it always returns a new value. The relevant code changes are shown below

Running the tests again will give us “green” result

Source code for this post can be found here

NSubstitute – returning value from IEnumerable