How to check if one function calls another function

An application which I’m currently developing has quite complicated authorization system. That is why, we can not use role based authorization, and basically every developer is obliged to call appropriate security check method in every controller action he or she writes. As You probably know it is quite easy to forget about that, therefore I decided to write a test which would check whether all controller’s action invokes this security critical function. After hours of searching for some anchor point, I came across this article in which author creates so called “reflection based ILReader”. ILReader is a class which allows You to iterate over IL instructions of every object of type RuntimeMethodInfo or RuntimeConstructorInfo .One of these instructions is InlineMethodInstruction which indicates method call. That is why, in order to get all methods which are called by given method, we have to simply select all instructions of type InlineMethodInstruction

We can go a bit further and create a recursive version of this function to iterate over entire function execution chain

Please notice, that I limited recursion depth to methods from user defined namespace, otherwise we would end up iterating over .NET’s native functions.
Now it is time to show some results. Here is a sample program which demonstrate possibilities of MethodInvokerCrawler class

calls another function
At this point checking whether function or constructor calls another function is limited to simple LINQ query

Source code for this post can be found here

How to check if one function calls another function

Extjs – vertical header in grid and locked columns

A while ago I wrote an article where I described how to create a plugin, which can flip header of Ext.panel.Grid vertically. I’ve been using this plugin for a couple of months in a company I work for, however in the last week it turned out that this extension does not work for grid with locked columns. After digging into Extjs source code I found out that when You use locked columns, the grid is created as a combination of two grids: normalGrid and lockedGrid. Therefore it is necessary to apply vertical-header plugin to these two grids separately. In order to do that, I improved this extension to detect if grid has locked columns or not. The main change is in init function which now looks that way

In the first step I check if columns are locked. The method for do that is pretty straightforward

Afterward I do create two instances of vertical-header plugin and initialize them with appropriate partial grid (lockedGrid or normalGrid). Entire code listing is presented below

vertical header
Source code for this post can be found here

Extjs – vertical header in grid and locked columns

Generating string consisting of the same character

Recently I’ve been asked by friend of mine, how to generate string consisting of 50 commas. I came up with these three code snippets:

Although all of these lines produce appropriate outcome, it’s seemed to me that there is some simpler way to accomplish this task. After a little bit of searching, it turned out, that it is possible to generate string consisting of same characters using one of string’s constructors

Generating string consisting of the same character

NHibarnate – using event listeners to set entity modification date

I think, that it is a common practice to store information about creation and modification date of entities. However keeping appropriate columns up to date manually is error prone. We must remember that every time we modify entity, we also have to change its modification date. Fortunately thanks to event listeners, NHibernate can do all of this boring stuff for us. Let’s start from creating class which implements two interfaces:

  • IPreInsertEventListener
  • IPreUpdateEventListener

As You probably guessed OnPreInsert method is invoked before insert, and OnPreUpdate is called before update of entity. Having prepared the basic skeleton of class, it is time to configure NHibernate to use our event listeners. The basic configuration is taken from my previous post about NHibernate automappings, so I will only extend it by appending event listeners

Now we can put some logic into OnPreInsert and OnPreUpdate functions. First of all we have to somehow identify entities which hold information about creation and modification time. In order to do that I created simple interface IDateInfo

In the next step we have to modify OnPreInsert and OnPreUpdate methods, so that they can set creation and modification date of entities which implement IDateInfo interface.

Unfortunately at this moment saving entity (which implements IDateInfo interface) will throw exception
Despite the fact that we set values of ModificationDate and CreationDate properties , NHiberante seems not to notice that. That is why we have to manually update values of State object from PreInsertEvent and PreUpdateEvent. According to the documentation State object from class PreInsertEvent holds values which should be inserted and State object from class PreUpdateEvent holds values which should be updated. Function which update values of state object might look like that

Updated NHListener class now looks like that

As You can see, after setting values of IDateInfo I also call function SetState and update state of appropriate properties. From now everything works fine and our entities can be saved without problems. Source code for this post can be found here

NHibarnate – using event listeners to set entity modification date

Extjs – vertical header in grid

Extjs doesn’t provide us with any build-in mechanism for flipping text vertically in grid’s header. Fortunately we can achieve this effect by using a mixture of CSS rules and some javascript code. In order to make code more reusable, I’ll write it as a plugin for grid. Let’s start from creating CSS rules responsible for text rotation

.x-column-header .x-column-header-text is a selector for header text in every Extjs grid. It is obvious that we want only certain grids to have vertical headers, that is why I extended selector with additional custom class .v-vertical-header-grid. Having CSS class prepared, now we can write actual plugin.

At the very beginning .v-vertical-header-grid class is added to the grid. Thanks to this, CSS selector created in the first step is able to select text in header. At this point text is rotated, however it can’t fit into header – its size didn’t change. That is why in function handleAfterLayout I manually measure text height using Ext.util.TextMetrics and change height of header.Solution presented above works fine in IE10, Opera, Firefox and Chrome. There were some problems in IE9, however extending CSS class with these rules

did the trick. Here is the result
vertical header
Source code for this post can be found here
There is a problem with this plugin and locked columns, please see the updated version of this plugin here

Extjs – vertical header in grid