A while ago I wrote an article where I described how to create a plugin, which can flip header of Ext.panel.Grid vertically. I’ve been using this plugin for a couple of months in a company I work for, however in the last week it turned out that this extension does not work for grid with locked columns. After digging into Extjs source code I found out that when You use locked columns, the grid is created as a combination of two grids: normalGrid and lockedGrid. Therefore it is necessary to apply vertical-header plugin to these two grids separately. In order to do that, I improved this extension to detect if grid has locked columns or not. The main change is in init function which now looks that way
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init: function (grid) { var me = this; me.grid = grid; me.grid.addCls('v-vertical-header-grid'); me.textMetric = new Ext.util.TextMetrics(); if (me.isLocked()){ var normalGridPlugin = Ext.create('GeneralLearning.ux.VerticalHeader',me.extraCfg), lockedGridPlugin = Ext.create('GeneralLearning.ux.VerticalHeader',me.extraCfg); normalGridPlugin.init(me.grid.normalGrid); lockedGridPlugin.init(me.grid.lockedGrid); me.grid.normalGrid.plugins.push(normalGridPlugin); me.grid.lockedGrid.plugins.push(lockedGridPlugin); } else { me.grid.on({ afterlayout: { scope: me, fn: me.handleAfterLayout } }); } } |
In the first step I check if columns are locked. The method for do that is pretty straightforward
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isLocked: function () { var me = this; return me.grid.normalGrid && me.grid.lockedGrid; } |
Afterward I do create two instances of vertical-header plugin and initialize them with appropriate partial grid (lockedGrid or normalGrid). Entire code listing is presented below
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Ext.define('GeneralLearning.ux.VerticalHeader', { alias: 'plugin.verticalheader', grid: null, extraCfg:null, textMetric: null, init: function (grid) { var me = this; me.grid = grid; me.grid.addCls('v-vertical-header-grid'); me.textMetric = new Ext.util.TextMetrics(); if (me.isLocked()) { var normalGridPlugin = Ext.create('GeneralLearning.ux.VerticalHeader',me.extraCfg), lockedGridPlugin = Ext.create('GeneralLearning.ux.VerticalHeader',me.extraCfg); normalGridPlugin.init(me.grid.normalGrid); lockedGridPlugin.init(me.grid.lockedGrid); me.grid.normalGrid.plugins.push(normalGridPlugin); me.grid.lockedGrid.plugins.push(lockedGridPlugin); } else { me.grid.on({ afterlayout: { scope: me, fn: me.handleAfterLayout } }); } }, constructor: function (cfg) { var me = this; me.extraCfg = cfg; Ext.apply(this, cfg); me.callParent(arguments); }, handleAfterLayout: function (cmp) { var me = this, maxWidth = 0, headerItems = cmp.headerCt.items, curremtWidth; headerItems.each(function (item) { if ((curremtWidth = me.textMetric.getWidth(item.text)) > maxWidth) { maxWidth = curremtWidth + 10; } }); cmp.headerCt.el.select('.x-column-header-text').each(function (el) { el.setSize(maxWidth, maxWidth); }); }, isLocked: function () { var me = this; return me.grid.normalGrid && me.grid.lockedGrid; } }); |
Source code for this post can be found here